Chinese water chestnuts (Eleocharis dulcis) are a species of grass native to Asia, tropical Africa, and Oceania. It is grown commercially throughout the world for its edible corms. Here are some of the health benefits of this delicious food. This herb has been used for millennia as a traditional medicinal herb. Read on to learn more. Let’s start with some of the most common health benefits of water chestnuts.
One of the most impressive health benefits of water chestnuts is their ability to fight bacteria. They have strong anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and have been used for centuries as a natural remedy for skin irritation and stomach ulcers. They can also be used as a treatment for fever and age-related brain disorders. In addition, they are very low in calories and may help hypertension patients lose weight. Anti-bacterial properties of water chestnuts are also attributed to a compound found in the chestnut called punching. This compound has similar functions to penicillin and is considered the second plant-derived antibacterial substance after penicillin.
Researchers have shown that Chinese water chestnut peels have antibacterial properties. This fruit extract contains major bioactive constituents, and it demonstrated more antibacterial activity than any other fraction of the fruit. The methanol extract also had considerable antibacterial activity against several types of bacteria, including Staph aureus, E. coli, and E. coli. The researchers concluded that the antibacterial activity of water chestnuts is similar to that of traditional medicine and maybe just as effective as modern medicines.
There has been some research about the anti-viral properties of water chestnuts. It was previously reported that water chestnuts had an anti-viral effect against the dsDNA virus Soymovirus, which is associated with the occurrence of several diseases. The present study further extends this knowledge by examining if water chestnuts can provide similar anti-viral effects on other viruses.
To test this hypothesis, fourteen bulbs of water chestnut plants were collected from a commercial field in Hubei province, China, and were grown as potted plants at the Huzhong Agricultural University. The plants were regularly monitored for viral diseases, and samples were taken from each plant to perform PCR analyses using virus-specific primers. These results have shown that water chestnut plants exhibit anti-viral activity against a range of viruses, including GCMV.
Recent studies have shown that water chestnuts are a powerful source of anti-cancer compounds. These compounds, which include ferulic acid, are known for neutralizing free radicals, which are a leading cause of chronic diseases, such as cancer. In a recent study, researchers found that ferulic acid has anti-tumor activity in breast cancer cells. These findings are promising, but further studies are needed to determine whether water chestnuts have any anti-cancer properties.
The antioxidant activity of water chestnut extracts has been evaluated in vitro and in vivo experiments. The plant’s husk has been shown to have anti-proliferative properties in human breast and colon cancer cell lines, and it has protective properties against DNA damage. The results show that water chestnuts have excellent antioxidant activity. Nevertheless, more research is needed to understand the mechanisms that make them so potent.
If you want to lose weight, one of the best foods for this goal is water chestnuts. They are packed with nutrients and are extremely low in calories – about 60 calories per cup. And because they are high in water content, they keep you full for longer. Moreover, they are rich in potassium, fiber, protein, and antioxidants. Plus, they contain a decent amount of vitamin B6, magnesium, and copper. And they’re completely gluten-free. This makes them an excellent food for people with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease.
Besides their low-calorie content, water chestnuts also have a lot of fiber. One cup contains about 1.9 grams of fiber or seven percent of the daily requirement for women and men. Women under the age of 50 should consume at least 25 grams of fiber each day, while men and women over the age of 51 should aim for about thirty-one grams daily. Fiber is essential to the body, as it helps to maintain bowel health, lowers cholesterol, regulates blood sugar levels, and reduces the risk of chronic disease.
High in fiber
These nutritious aquatic vegetables have many benefits. Aside from being a tasty treat, they may reduce the risk of diabetes and blood pressure. Water chestnuts contain plenty of fiber. This type of fiber promotes regular bowel movements and may help regulate blood sugar levels. They are also high in antioxidants. Antioxidants help the body fight the effects of free radicals, which can cause disease and aging. Water chestnuts have a low glycemic index, which means they do not raise blood sugar levels too high or too low.
Another benefit of water chestnuts is their richness in vitamin C. This antioxidant is a key component of many fruits and vegetables, including green peas and water chestnuts. Vitamin C supports various bodily functions and contains flavonoids. Flavonoids are known for their pharmacological actions, including regulating cellular activity and fighting free radicals. Flavonoids are also beneficial for improving blood pressure, as they contain potassium, which can help prevent heart disease and stroke.
Suitable for a low-FODMAP diet
Unless you have a specific sensitivity to fructans and oligosaccharides (FODMAPs), you should avoid all fruits and vegetables during the first two phases of the low-FODMAP diet. FODMAP-rich foods include corn, wheat, rye, barley, peas, lentils, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and chicory root. Additionally, fruits and vegetables that contain high amounts of fructose should be avoided.
Before implementing a low-FODMAP diet, it is important to speak with your physician and dietitian about your particular dietary needs. A low-FODMAP diet will help you identify which foods are causing symptoms and how to address them. The goal of this diet is to give the gut a chance to heal. However, it’s not appropriate for everyone. In addition, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting adequate amounts of protein, calcium, and fiber. Additionally, you’ll want to ensure you get adequate amounts of B vitamins because a deficiency can occur over time if you don’t eat a diverse diet.
Contains ferulic acid
Free radicals are harmful molecules that can damage your health. These radicals are produced in your body and can progress to chronic illnesses, such as cancer. Antioxidants, like ferulic acid in water chestnuts, help neutralize these free radicals. The antioxidant in water chestnuts called ferulic acid is also helpful in fighting cancer cells. Ferulic acid is found in high concentrations in water chestnuts.
The antioxidants found in water chestnuts help combat free radicals, which are linked to the progression of chronic diseases. High blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides are known risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, water chestnuts contain potassium, which regulates nerve signals and muscle contractions. Potassium is also beneficial in the fight against cancer, and a higher intake of water chestnut can reduce your risk of stroke by as much as 24 percent.
Native to Asian wetlands
The Water chestnut is an aquatic plant with feathery, triangular leaves that are whorled around its stem. The plant grows up to 16 feet in height and has a wide distribution in Asia and Europe. Its leafy stems are flexible and bear submerged leaves that are 5 to 10 cm long. The leaves are replaced by pairs of fine pinnate structures that grow up to 8 cm long.
The tree’s stems and corms attract a wide range of wildlife, including insects, rodents, and caterpillars. The shoots are a source of habitat for numerous invertebrates, including fish. A few species of fish may also eat the nuts. However, these two factors are not enough to completely eradicate water chestnuts. Therefore, eradication efforts must be conducted for several years.
Contains potassium
High triglycerides, elevated blood pressure, and bad cholesterol are all risk factors for heart disease. Water chestnuts contain high amounts of potassium, a mineral that can help lower these numbers. Additionally, they contain copper and phosphorus. They have even been linked to lower blood pressure and heart disease. The health benefits of water chestnuts go well beyond their high potassium content. You can enjoy the taste and aroma of water chestnuts while reducing your blood pressure.
Research on water chestnuts indicates that they are high in antioxidants. This fruit is loaded with non-starch polysaccharides, which act as natural laxatives. They also help to normalize insulin and blood sugar levels. These properties have made them popular for treating cardiovascular disease. They also contain phytonutrients, including anthocyanins and riboflavin. All these nutrients have a wide range of other benefits, making them a valuable addition to your diet.
Contains copper
A half cup of water chestnuts contains 10 percent of the daily value of zinc, potassium, and copper. Copper is also helpful in the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids, and manganese supports immune system function. Its many other benefits include supporting healthy gut health and improving your health in general. Water chestnuts are rich in antioxidants, and they can be used in a number of recipes for delicious results.
Consuming water chestnuts is a great way to get your recommended daily allowance of Vitamin B6. While you can meet your daily needs of vitamin B6 in other foods, water chestnuts provide approximately 37% of your RDA of copper. Copper is important for iron absorption, collagen synthesis, and immune function. Most people do not get enough copper in their diets, and deficiency is linked to birth defects, anemia, and other health problems.