Gum Lightening Service: Dentists’ Painful Struggle To Remove Pigmentation

Gum lightening services have become very popular in the past few years, with more and more dentists offering them to their patients who are dealing with gum pigmentation. They range from laser treatments to bleaching treatments, but they’re all intended to get rid of the pigment that accumulates on the gums over time — most commonly caused by smoking, but sometimes because of other habits or genetics. Read on to learn about the history of gum bleaching, what makes it so popular today, and how you can choose the best method for your needs!

What Is Laser Teeth Whitening?

Laser teeth whitening is a dental procedure that uses laser technology to remove the stains on your tooth enamel caused by things like smoking and drinking coffee and tea. It’s also been used for years in dentistry practices as an alternative to traditional gum bleaching, which can be painful and doesn’t always work. Laser teeth whitening is a safe, reliable, and more predictable way of lightening your smile. Dental practices like Cornerstone Dental offer this service for around $400-$600 for a series of four visits.

Why Do You Need Teeth Whitening?

The laser is used as a way of removing the melanocytes, which produce pigment. This procedure is less painful than the traditional removal process and can be done in a single visit. The laser emits light at specific wavelengths that are targeted at the melanocytes in order to destroy them while leaving surrounding gum tissue unharmed. Gum lighting services may also use LED lights or even IPL (Intense Pulse Light) technology to help reduce pigmentation and speed up results.

How Does It Work?

When teeth are stained, discoloration can come from a variety of sources. Some people have naturally darker tooth enamel, while others develop stains due to an accumulation of plaque and tartar. Our gum lightening service takes care of these issues by removing the accumulated tartar with an ultrasonic scaler and then using a laser-type tool that emits pulses in order to remove pigment cells. We also use a special type of water that contains hydrogen peroxide and oxygen that is put on the gums before and after treatment in order to increase the lightening process.

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Will It Hurt?

It’s no secret that dentists try their hardest to make your life as comfortable as possible during treatments. But how can they do that when they need to lighten the pigmentation in your gums? The traditional way is by using lasers, which require a lot of pressure and are often very painful. It doesn’t help that these lasers also come with risks like burning away the skin or nerve damage. That’s why many dentists now choose not to use this method at all! Instead, they use a new technique called laser-assisted teeth whitening that doesn’t come with any of those risks.

Who Doesn’t Need Teeth Whitening?

It’s no secret that people want whiter teeth these days. The demand is so high that it has become one of the most popular beauty treatments in the world. It is now a billion dollar industry and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
Dentists are trying to keep up with the trend and offer their patients whitening services, but they’re not always successful.

How Long Until I See Results?

Pigment on the gums is a result of increased melanin, which is made by cells in the skin called melanocytes. These cells produce the pigment that gives skin, hair, and eyes their color. When they’re over-active, they can cause hyperpigmentation on the gums, which could also be caused by sun exposure or smoking tobacco.
The process usually takes about two weeks with a six-month follow-up appointment to make sure everything goes smoothly. The dentist will have you come in for an initial consultation during which he’ll take pictures of your teeth and gums and create a custom treatment plan just for you. Then he’ll use a special laser to remove the pigmented tissue from your gum line without damaging any surrounding healthy tissue.

Can I Bleach My Whole Mouth?

There are a few things you can do after treatment that will help keep your teeth and gums looking white for longer than 1 year or so.
1) Continue with your dental hygiene regimen. Brush at least twice per day, floss once per day, and use mouthwash at least once per day.

2) Avoid foods that stain your teeth/gums (such as coffee, tea, red wine, and berries).

3) Avoid smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco because both of these habits will significantly increase the risk of gum disease and other oral health problems.

4) Schedule regular dental check-ups every 6 months or so to make sure there are no new stains on your teeth.

Does It Matter Which Brand I Use?

There are four types of teeth whiteners available, including over-the-counter whiteners and professional treatments. Choosing the right type is dependent on your individual needs. If you’re looking for something that’s quick and easy, then an over-the-counter bleaching kit is best suited for you. These kits include peroxide gel and a tray which will cover your teeth and gums. The bleaching process usually takes around one hour, but it depends on how many times you put the peroxide gel on your teeth throughout the day. If you have sensitive teeth or gums then this might not be the best option for you because it can cause irritation in these areas if you wear whitening trays too long.

Should I Also Have My Gums Whitened As Well?

The next question is whether or not you would also like your gums whitened as well. This is a very delicate process and can be done in one of two ways. The first way is using a laser, which has very high success rates but does come with risks. The second way would be through bleaching the teeth at home, but the effectiveness depends on how often you brush and floss.

What Should I Do After Treatment To Maintain Whiter Teeth/Gums And Avoid Staining For Longer Than 1 Year Or So?

In order to keep your teeth looking healthy and white, it is important that you maintain good oral hygiene habits. Brush your teeth after every meal with fluoride toothpaste and floss at least once a day. Be sure to see the dentist for regular checkups, so they can spot any potential problems before they become irreversible. For an extra boost in whiteness, try using a whitening toothpaste or mouthwash once or twice a week.

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