What is a Breaker Block in Trading? Its Uses and How it Works

Despite its widespread usage in the field of foreign currency trading, the concept underlying the term “forex” may be difficult to grasp for some investors, particularly those who are just starting. In foreign currency, a breaker block is simply a price threshold set by a trading exchange that, if reached, triggers a circuit breaker mechanism that temporarily halts trade to prevent extreme market volatility or collapses. The goal is to reduce the likelihood of severe market fluctuations.

Implementation of the Circuit Breaker Process

As a preventative measure against extreme price fluctuations, that may cause widespread panic and substantial financial losses for traders, a circuit breaker mechanism was implemented. The purpose of this mechanism is to forestall undesirable outcomes as a result of large price swings. In the foreign currency market, the breaker price is often set at a discount of some percentage to the going market rate. When the price falls below this level, the circuit breaker is tripped, halting trading for a period determined by the exchange’s regulations (often fifteen minutes to an hour).

How does It work in Foreign Exchange?

In foreign exchange, a breaker block is designed to provide traders and investors a breather during times of extreme price fluctuations or heightened market volatility. Stopping trading might prevent investors from dumping their holdings in a panic and further depressing asset prices. With the circuit breaker in place, traders and investors may take stock of their holdings and decide whether to hold on to or liquidate their current holdings.

Best for Currency Trading

Using breaker blocks is nothing new in the world of foreign currency trading. They were originally used in the stock market following the Black Monday crash of 1987 and have since become standard practice. Since then, circuit breakers have been implemented in exchanges across the world as a method of averting market crashes and promoting fair and orderly trading.

Use of Breaker Block

The foreign exchange market often employs circuit breakers on a regional basis. When the value of a particular currency pair drops by a certain percentage in a short period, for instance, the European Union’s circuit breaker mechanism is triggered. The mechanism is triggered by this occurrence. A similar circuit breaker is in place in the United States; it will trip if the S&P 500 index falls below a certain level.

However, others have reservations about using breaker blocks as money. There exists a school of thought among certain investors and traders that postulates the notion that circuit breakers, in their current manifestation, may inadvertently exacerbate market volatility by engendering a deceptive perception of security within the minds of said investors and traders. Traders may exhibit a heightened proclivity towards assuming disproportionate risk, thereby exacerbating the prevailing market volatility, if they harbor the conviction that circuit breakers can serve as a safeguard to curtail their potential losses.

Moreover, it is widely perceived by a multitude of individuals that circuit breakers are regarded as a manifestation of market manipulation, owing to their propensity to be activated by substantial institutional investors who aim to exploit the momentary suspension of trading to procure or divest assets at a more advantageous price point, thereby favoring their interests. Given the propensity for larger market participants to possess the necessary resources to trigger the circuit breaker, it is plausible that they may acquire an inequitable edge as a consequence.


The notion of a breaker block in the realm of forex is of utmost significance within the foreign exchange trading sector, as it serves to alleviate the probability of deleterious price oscillations and precipitous market downturns. The discourse surrounding circuit breakers has been recurrent, yet their indispensability in upholding equitable and systematic commercial transactions persists. In the realm of foreign exchange trading, traders must possess a comprehensive understanding of circuit breakers and their potential ramifications on their positions within the market.

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